Another VIVA Bahrain Voiceover. I've been the English promo voice of VIVA for quite a while now which is pretty cool. They do have some good products for customers.
Another product video. I seem to be asked to voice lots of these and I love them. There is not a day goes by without someone asking me to be the voice of a new product. This conversational read style suits this type of video. Not shouting or in your face antics; it's just important to get the message across clearly. If you'd like to hear this style, check out my commercial voiceovers or my longer explainer videos.
VIVA is a subsidiary of the Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) and it was formed to help transform Bahrain's telecommunications landscape by offering unrivaled phone and internet services. VIVA is one of the biggest names in Bahrain, so it was great eexposure for me to provide voiceover for this promotions. With this promotion, they are teaming up with a food-delivery service to offer people a chance to win one of 3 mini coopers, a range rover, or air tickets! That's a pretty great deal.
If you have a brand that needs something similar to the VIVA Bahrain Voiceover, then do get in touch. To make the process even easier, just let me know the intended usage of the project and I can quote you more accurately. If you'd like to send a short sample of the script, I'd be more than happy to send you a short audition to check if my voice is right for your show or brand.