Explaining the Explainer video voice

The Explainer video voice is one picked on it’s ability to make these 1 - 2 minute website videos have impact.
My voice is heard on hundreds of Web videos. YouTube is alive with work. Why not request a sample of your script?

Web Videos

There are some fantastic Explainer video producing companies making some awesome videos and animations. Believe me, I’m working with them. So, your hard work and product should be represented with a credible voice. Working with major brands daily I know how to make your words sound great.

Who to use?

Now, I’m not saying you have to book me. If I’m not right for your brand, I won’t take money from a client who could go away un happy. I’ll happily offer an alternative voice. It’s really quite easy, if you need a more mature sound, a regional accent or maybe the product calls for a female voice? I’ll help, no problem.

Simple and Easy

Do you want a voiceover that wants to make the process as smooth as possible? Do you want to get along with the voice and them not be awkward and un co-operative? Will that voice charge you every time you need it tweaking or amending? Do you want them hounding you if you haven’t paid within 2 days? Of course not. So, try me.

How it works

It’s not rocket science, it’s a voice over. However, you need the job done properly! If you choose me, thank you. I will of course offer to read a couple of lines first to check I’m the right voice for your brand. Avoid going for cheap options. Is your brand in safe hands?

Lets do it!

I’m voicing lots of Web, How 2 and Explainer videos daily. It never ceases to amaze me the content you guys create and then I get to place my vocals all over the top of it at the end. If you keep on creating and I’ll keep voicing.

Web & Explainer Voice!

Web Videos, How 2 Videos, Corporate, e-Learning videos or your Explainer Video Voice… Maybe I’ll be right for yours? It’s pretty cool when I re-fresh my email and along comes a job and I think… Yeah… Nice! So, shall we talk?
Click The Contact Page to get in touch.

Explainers or web videos are a visual way of putting the message across whilst also forcing businesses to say more in less words.
It’s job is add an audio enhancement to these short promotional videos of a company or brand.
Why are they short? A user’s attention is a lot shorter these days and expect to be introduced to a product quickly.
I've voiced hundreds of explainer videos for global brands like Tesco, Vodafone, Sage, RBS, Unilever, John West, Coca Cola, Rolls Royce & N-Power.
Short 1-2 minute web videos are dominating home pages all over the web. But what is most important? The Voice!

Guy Harris - Award Winning British Male Voiceover - © 2000 - 2025 VoiceoverGuy ®

VoiceoverGuy iOS App
Guy Harris - VoiceoverGuy - Tel: +44 (0)7973 350 178

Guy Harris - British Male Voice Over Artist | VoiceoverGuy