A couple of years ago I was asked if I'd like to be the voice of Apple on the iPhone television commercials. When you look at Apple's marketing and see it's celebrity endorsed, would I like to do them? Absolutely.
The session was awesome and the client approved the audio immediately. To this day I have a framed copy of the script in my studio. My natural style has been in demand ever since. From corporate voice work to explainer videos and on hold messages. When setting out on this journey, I didn't think my regular speaking voice would overtake everything else I'm booked for, but there's been a huge influx of companies asking for the natural voice. You might also like to check out my Because I See and Save Water videos.
These adverts completely changed the direction my career as a voice over was going. Several times a week I'm asked for the Apple voice style. Including Stormfront, the Apple reseller.
I think clients are referring to the natural and conversational tone, often understated and soft but with short meaningful script writing, can have a huge impact. This style is often used for explainer videos, so take a look at my Hotels.com videos for a better idea of how effective my natural voiceover can be.
Are you looking for this voice style for your next promo video? One similar to this Apple voice over style? Please get in touch if you'd like to work with me. I'd be very happy to send a short sample of your script to you before you book me. Please send a few lines of the script first so you can be sure I'm right for your brand. I make the whole process as easy as possible with 99% of the jobs delivered the same day.