Shrieks shouts and Screams voiceover

That classic Wilhelm Scream but with more options

What is the Wilhelm Scream?

The Wilhelm Scream has been made famous for appearing in over 400 movies when a scream was needed. It dates back to the 1951 film Distant Drums.
The sound effect was used for a character named Private Wilhelm who was shot in the leg with an arrow and let out the distinctive scream.
These are my takes on it and I'm happy for you to use it for a credit.


Free to use Screams, Shrieks and Shouts

I have included a selection of Screams, Shouts and Shrieks which you can freely download and use. If you would like a high quality mp3 file without the reverb do get in touch below and we will zip it up and send to you. Don't forget to credit VoiceoverGuy.
For any commercial usage use the form below to let us know how it's to be used and we will send the Broadcast quality WAV file for you to use.

Can I use the Wilhelm Scream commercially?

Please get in touch to discuss the details of the usage and we can work out the cost.Feel free to use for personal use with a credit to VoiceoverGuy. If broadcast or used on social media in a paid for campaign, do include all details as to how and where they will be used. ​

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

Natural Voiceover for

hotels-dot-com-what-else-could-go-wrong-voiceover Guy Harris is the voiceover artist behind's flexible booking advertisement. A friendly, natural style was a great fit for this project. Read more!

Safe Style advert voice

Safe Style advert voice Safe Style advert voice - For 2015, Safe Style took a new approach with this campaign. Nice to be a part of this National Brand advert -

Virtual Voiceover Studio

virtual-voiceover-studio-online Virtual Voiceover Studio - Chris Power's fully-connected online studio for voiceovers and agencies to connect and have VVS take care of all the audio for you.

Guy Harris - Award Winning British Male Voiceover - © 2000 - 2024 VoiceoverGuy ®

VoiceoverGuy iOS App
Guy Harris - VoiceoverGuy - Tel: +44 (0)7973 350 178

Guy Harris - British Male Voice Over Artist | VoiceoverGuy