Michelin Cross Climate Explainer

A great, detail-rich explainer video for Michelin.

Another high-quality explainer video

When Michelin got in touch to ask if I'd voice their upcoming explainer video, I jumped at the chance. Michelin is one of the biggest automotive brands out there and I'm always keen to work with the big buys! They had an interesting product with an intelligent feature that needed a little bit of explaining. This is where explainer videos come in... It's the perfect type of video when your product is complex enough that you need to spend a little longer to explain what makes it so good.


A little more about Michelin

I like to discuss the brands I work with in this section of my blogs, and there's a lot to say about Michelin that I don't have time for here. Michelin is one of the biggest tyre companies in the world. It's a true specialist brand and I think it's a good thing that all of their R&D resources can go into developing new car tyre technologies, like theirCross Climate Plus tyres! I like Michelin's approach to writing this explainer video and it was a lot of fun to work with them!

Need Voiceover for your Next Explainer Video? Get in touch!

If you're working on a commercial or explainer video and you need a voiceover a little like this one I worked on for Michelin, please feel free to get in touch. I'm happy to give you a free voiceover sample from your script so that you can see (or hear) whether I'm right for your brand.

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