

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

Domestos Wacky Character Voiceover

Character Voiceover Domestos Character Voiceover - Voiced the characters for a Domestos TV ad. Asked to come up with the voices, this is what I gave them....

A Guide to a Northern Irish Accent

British voice over: Guide to a Northern Irish Accent The guide to a Northern Irish accent. If you are trying to master the style, have a read and gain inside knowledge and tips from professional voice Guy Harris

Voiceover Studio Finder

Voiceover Studio Finder Voiceover Studio Finder - Find your nearest voice over studio. Hire yours to make extra money. Need to find a studio? Studios listed worldwide. Add yours today!

Guy Harris - Award Winning British Male Voiceover - © 2000 - 2024 VoiceoverGuy ®

VoiceoverGuy iOS App
Guy Harris - VoiceoverGuy - Tel: +44 (0)7973 350 178

Guy Harris - British Male Voice Over Artist | VoiceoverGuy