My Hill Climb Racing 2 Voiceover on part 2. They asked me for a movie trailer voice and a hill billy. I gave it a try and I think it turned out really nice.
It's not often I'm asked to combine an epic movie trailer voice with a hill biilly voice... But the unpredictability of this job is part of what I love so much about it! I hope they ask me back for trailer 3 too! Game trailers are fun to do and I've done a lot more in recent years. Do check out some of my others on the link above! I love this genre of work because there is emphasis on fun right from the start and I get to work with some incredibly talented graphic and game designers.
Newton Bill is Back! After journeying to where no ride has been before, Bill is ready to challenge the whole world in Hill Climb Racing multi player madness. Hill Climb Racing 2 is the sequel to the most addictive and entertaining physics-based driving game ever! And it's free on iOS and Google Play! This game takes a lot from motocross and dirt-bike racing, inviting anyone with a smart phone to do some crazy jumps on a variety of vehicles whilst staying in one piece. It's impressive that a mobile game like this has an online-play feature. This game is a lot of fun and it was great fun to provide two different voices for the trailer.
Do you have a commercial in need of a voice? Maybe a voice like this Girafun Voiceover? Please get in touch. To make the process even easier, just let me know the intended usage, and I can quote you more accurately. Send a short sample of the script and I'll send you a short audition. Check to see if my voice is right for your project. Please do get in touch today.