Another kids Tv Advert Voice.
I'm back on the TV for another kids' toy commercial. If you'd like to listen to a backlog of some of my work, check out my commercial voiceover page. It's nice to be asked, again and again, to voice TV adverts for kid's toys. Obviously my voice seems to be a good fit for the toy industry and I think the fact that I enjoy it so much comes through in my performance. Again and again, I'm asked: "We need an energetic voice for this ad please, Guy". If it's not Doggie Doo or Minecraft Handbook, I'm constantly told I've been heard on other TV adverts on the younger generation TV channels for various toys and games, and then my Santa voice is heard everywhere on the run-up to Christmas.
Bugs in the Kitchen is a three-dimensional board game from Ravensburger. In this game, the main bug is actually a battery-operated Hexbug that moves around the maze-like board. If you're familiar with Hexbugs, they are animatronic insects that vibrate and move just like real creepy crawlers. In the game, players become exterminators and it's up to you to not only trap the bug but do it before your opponents. Ravesnburger is a brilliant toy company with some great board games. I've worked with them many times.
The ideal voiceover for toys and board games is full of energy and excitement. And this is something I've performed again and again for different clients. If you have a toy or board game and you're looking for the idea voiceover to complete your TV or online ad, then we can definitely work together! If you want to hear a little more of my material, you may like to listen to my show reel on my game trailer voice page. With a brief search on Google, you'll see that I'm trusted by big name brands and have been in the industry for a long time. If you're interested, please fill in the form and tell me more about your product or project!